Introduction to the Internet and Issues in Media and Technology

Introduction to the Internet and Issues in Media and Technology 

In week two we were placed into groups of 5 and each group was given a slip of paper with terms and instruction on them, my group got the words internet and www( world wide web)
My group did a short on internet vs world wide web. We did the play based on the definition and there’re differences and there similarities. We also look at netiquette, the definition and the examples of netiquette. some of which are:

Image result for netiquette rules
        Also in this class other groups spoke on electronic mail - this is the method used to send messages from one device to many others in seconds. This method is mostly used by officials for efficient communication.
       they also had to research internet search techniques such as advanced search ( used to fine tune the searches being made.
we also looked at the copyright laws and educators. With the aid of the web site  . This website gives the types of creative commons such as

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WELCOME To Reflections by   Ertrecia Tonge