This thing called word processing

for this class we were sent an email which contains instructions for us to create a word document. here are the instructions i received.
i had a bit of trouble with this due to the fact that i had miss class that day. how ever with the aid of  my classmate Samantha it now complete.

Though changing the orientation was hard i did some research and i found my way. i had to do to the page layout tab 
Select the passage or the contents of the entire page that you will like to change its orientation. 
the section of the tab named page set up, there is a little arrow that u will press. 
a pop up box will show up:

so now you select the landscape option and then at the bottom of the box there is a drop box. there are two options apply to whole document or to selected text. choose selected text then click ok and presto changeo its done.
you have just edited or processed your word document. 

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WELCOME To Reflections by   Ertrecia Tonge