pod casting

To create a pod cast about a topic with in our field of study, which can be used as an introduction of a lesson.

General Steps:  go to https://ninite.com
  1. locate the audacity app check box
  2. scrolle to the bottom og the page and select GET YOUR NINITE.
  3. download , and run. 
  4. open the app 
  5. close the pop up box
  6. Close the pop up box and proceed to recording the audio file by using a pair of headphones. you would need to select the record icon to start with the recording.
  7. proceed to recording
  8. you can proceed to add an audio( music file in the back ground ) here is a video of to demonstrate the features in audacity.
Taylor, David . “Audacity: Complete Tutorial Guide to Audacity for Beginners.” Youtube.com, David Taylor, 8 Mar. 2015, www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCisC3sHneM.

The challenges I faced while completing the task are:
  1. my challenge for this assignment was to add a music track to the background of the audio created.
I overcame the challenges by the following:
i overcame my challenge by consulting a few classmates and experimenting with the different features.
I learnt how to create an audio file using Audacity. 
I will use to create more interesting introduction and closing to my lesson 


My topic elements of design. In this podcast, all terms referring toy topic was mentioned.  

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WELCOME To Reflections by   Ertrecia Tonge